SEIKI DESIGN STUDIOは京都を拠点に活動しており、国内外の様々なクライアントと協働し、戦略開発からアウトプットまで一貫してサポートしています。表面化している課題の解決だけでなく、将来に渡る本質的な課題解決や持続可能な価値創造の実現を目指しています。また、アイデアの源泉として日々の生活における無意識な感情や衝動をきっかけに、素材のもつ表情を大切にし、シンプルな造形にこだわりデザインしています。
SEIKI DESIGN STUDIO, based in Kyoto, collaborates with various clients both domestically and internationally, providing comprehensive support from strategic development to final output. With a primary focus on product and furniture design, we undertake cross-disciplinary projects. Our aim is not just to resolve current issues, but also to address fundamental challenges over the long term and work towards sustainable value creation. Our design philosophy is rooted in daily emotions and impulses, placing great emphasis on the inherent expressiveness of materials, and maintaining a commitment to simplicity in form.

1986 | 京都出身Born in Kyoto |
2008 | Lahti University of Applied Sciences / Industrial design (Finland) |
2009 | Stanford University / ME310 Project (USA) |
2012 | 京都工芸繊維大学 大学院 デザイン科学専攻 修了Kyoto Institute of Technology / Science and Technology Master's Program of Design(Japan) |
2012-2017 | 富士通デザイン株式会社勤務FUJITSU DESIGN Ltd. |
2017 | セイキデザインスタジオ設立SEIKI DESIGN STUDIO |
iF DESIGN AWARD, Good Design Award GOOD DESIGN BEST 100, ほぼ日作品大賞 銀賞, James Dyson Award 国内最優秀賞, MUJI AWARD 04 入選, その他受賞多数
iF DESIGN AWARD, Good Design Award GOOD DESIGN BEST 100, HOBONICHI AWARD 3rd prize, James Dyson Award 1st prize in japan, MUJI AWARD 04 Winning Works, and many more